31 March, 2012

goals for the week

So now that we are back in the swing of things, I need to figure out training. How to maintain and improve my Marathons and how to build to Olympic Triathlons and beyond in 2012. The learning curve is high but at least I have the running part down. I also need to figure out how to work in 24 hour shifts with the summer no sleep period upon us.

So this week will remain easy with a 8k next Sunday. I will swim 4 days, run 3 days, and bike 2 days.
here is my calander,

Tomorrow - Work
Monday - 8 x 25 (200m), run 4 miles
Tues - 1 x 50, 6 x 25 (200m), Bike 30 minutes
Wed - 1 x 50, 8 x 25 (250m), Run 4 miles
Thur - Work
Fri - 1 x 50, 8 x 25 (250m), Bike 30 minutes
Sat - Run 2 miles
Sunday - 8K Charlottesville, Va.

 weekly total- Swim 900m, bike 1 hour, run 16 miles

The Journey continues

2012 Calander

March 17th- DC Rock and Roll Half Marathon (2:45)
April 8th- Charlottesville 8K Road Race
April 27th/28th- American Odyssey Relay- Gettysburg to DC (Travis Manion)
May 20th - Marine Corps Historic Half Marathon, Fredricksburg, VA
June 17th - South Carroll Fathers Day Sprint Tri, Westminster, Md
Sept 15th- Savageman 30.0 Tri, Deep Creek Lake, Md
October 28th- Marine Corps Marathon #2
November 4th NYC Marathon? (If I win a lottery pick)
January 13th- Disney World Marathon #3 (TNT

30 March, 2012

Finally something to write about.

Well I couldnt take sitting around anymore so I finally said "fuck it!" It has been too long since i've run or have done any exersice from being sick. I still have the cough and not much endurance but enough is enough.

I have been dreading the thought of swimming for ever and really needed my first day in the pool. I was very nervous and sat on a chair for 20 minutes before I could bring myself to get in. I loved swimming as a kid but have not been swimming since. I have spent many hours in the pool at resorts that have a pool bar and I did take Braeden for swimming lessons, but I was just standing and hold him. I sat there at the side watching all of the swimmers mark off lap after lap. I noticed some were obvious excellent swimmers and I would guess they had alot of tri's under there belt. I noticed more that the majority of swimmers were older men and woman and several were overweight and using swimming as exersice to get healthier and lose weight. Then it hit me. When I first started running I had a program of walking to build up to running my first mile. One day I was at the park it was a practice day for the Iron Girl Tri. I had the same thoughts that hey I really can do this running thing. I saw a few pro's but the vast majority were everyday women of all ages and sizes and for what ever reason they had the decided to do a tri. It was a very inspiring moment to me and I believe the top reason why I was able to finish my 1st Marathon. So with that memory I pused off and swam my first lap.

I didnt swim far (200m) but I finally did it and had my 1st session to offically kick of my Triathlon training. Just like my running I will stick with swimming and improve and go farther every week and before I know I will consider myself a swimmer. I will swim 5 days a week and train in blocks, 0-750m, 750m - 1500m, 1500m - 3000m etc.  My goal is to be able to swim 2.4 miles next November and I have no doubts anymore about doing this.

After I swimming I changed and walked upstairs, coughed out some lung butter and got on the treadmill. Surprisingly I had a great run. Just a short 2 miles at an 11:06 pace and did not have any issues. I felt good as can be expected and  didnt have any breathing issues. I feel confident for my 8K April 8th and will go back to my regular running routine and training for my next big race on May 20th, The Marine Corps Half Marathon. I am very said to say that I had to drop the San Diego Marathon because my Fundraising had come to a halt. I had such a great year in 2011 it was kind of expected that it would happen this year with so many events that close to each other.

So all in all It was a great day. I will continue to rest but feels good to get back to training. I have been given a great foundation by so many close friends, great coaches and mentors and I am very fortunate.

2012 Calander

March 17th- DC Rock and Roll Half Marathon (2:45)
April 8th- Charlottesville 8K Road Race
April 27th/28th- American Odyssey Relay- Gettysburg to DC (Travis Manion)
May 20th - Marine Corps Historic Half Marathon, Fredricksburg, VA
June 17th - South Carroll Fathers Day Sprint Tri, Westminster, Md
Sept 15th- Savageman 30.0 Tri, Deep Creek Lake, Md
October 28th- Marine Corps Marathon #2
November 4th NYC Marathon? (If I win a lottery pick)
January 13th- Disney World Marathon #3 (TNT)

27 March, 2012

still got the pox

9 days and counting. I am still out for the count and this respiratory thing is getting old. I walk the dog every day for 2 miles and that is about it. I am fed up with it and want very much to get back to running and training. I am 12 days away from my next race, 30 days from the relay and less than 2 months till another half and my first tri is in June.

I am giving this just 3 more days to rest and than I need to get back on the horse and train.

I wish I had something more to write about but sitting on my ass coughing all day doesnt make for exciting writing or reading.

keeping my fingers crossed.

2012 Calander

March 17th- DC Rock and Roll Half Marathon (2:45)
April 8th- Charlottesville 8K Road Race
April 27th/28th- American Odyssey Relay- Gettysburg to DC (Travis Manion)
May 20th - Marine Corps Historic Half Marathon, Fredricksburg, VA
June 17th - South Carroll Fathers Day Sprint Tri, Westminster, Md
Sept 15th- Savageman 30.0 Tri, Deep Creek Lake, Md
October 28th- Marine Corps Marathon #2
November 4th NYC Marathon? (If I win a lottery pick)
January 13th- Disney World Marathon #3 (TNT)

21 March, 2012

not much to write about.

It has been a long week and it is only wed. I had planned on getting alot of training in this week and start with a new program. I forgot I had class on monday and that f'd up my first pool day. I started feeling bad during the day, wnt to work my 24 on tues and didnt make it through the shift. I went home feeling like I got run over by a truck, spent some time with Brae and Rickey and went to bed for the rest of the night. I woke up this morning and felt better but under the weather still and get gassed easily as what ever this is in my chest. I hope to kick this soon and get back on the streets. April, May and June are big months for my race schedule and I dont want to fall behind on my training. I had a goal of a 100 mile month but looks like it will come out around 75. not bad but not enough.

I am nervous to get in the pool and want to get that first day overwith soon. it is messing with my mind and I need to kick it in the but.

On another note I must say I am truly thankful for all of my TNT coaches and friends for teaching me the right way to becoming a runner. I read another blog of a runner who is over training, under nourised, and doesnt seem to be handling recovery well. I have received so much good advice and training, i am grateful.

So, I hope to have more training updates soon and I can get back on the roads, bike, and pool.

2012 Calander

March 17th- DC Rock and Roll Half Marathon (2:45)
April 8th- Charlottesville 8K Road Race
April 27th/28th- American Odyssey Relay- Gettysburg to DC (Travis Manion)
May 20th - Marine Corps Historic Half Marathon, Fredricksburg, VA
June 17th - South Carroll Fathers Day Sprint Tri, Westminster, Md
Sept 15th- Savageman 30.0 Tri, Deep Creek Lake, Md
October 28th- Marine Corps Marathon #2
November 4th NYC Marathon? (If I win a lottery pick)
January 13th- Disney World Marathon #3 (TNT)

18 March, 2012

Race Weekend

what a super fun weekend. Beca, Erin and I went to the Expo on friday. This was Erins first big race and the most fun was walking up and down the isles with her and hearing "oh I need that" needless to say her Swag bag was stuffed. I laughed when Beca bought a medal holder for the wall that holds 20 medals. Looks like she has alot of races coming up in the near future. I bought some more Nuun hydration tabs and a new fuel belt.

Saturday was race day and started out with perfect running weather and then the sun came out and made for a very warm race day. The majority of my running and training in in the fall winter so I was not really ready for the heat. Erin decided to drop back to my corral but we ended up moving further up to corral 20. The race course was a great course through DC and the first mile we ran towards the Capitol and made for a very scenic route. We had a great pace up till the 5k point and then the hills started and didnt stop. We keep pushing and I knew I was in trouble when we cought up to the 2:30 pace at mile 9 which ment we were sub 2:30. that cought up with me at 10 and the tank went dry. I struggled to finish with the heat and hills. I finished with a 2:45 which is my best time for 13.1.

This was my first race where I did not wear my Nathen pack which holds 2L's of water and I just used the water stops. It solved my race GI problems as I think I was over hydrating.

Erin finished ahead of me and had a super time for her 1st half and farthest run to date. Becca the jack rabbit finished with a great time of 2 hours.

My next run is in early April in Va and just a short 8k and then in the end of April we will all team together again for a 200 mile relay starting in Gettysburg and ending in DC.

14 March, 2012

Hello Tri World! They call me David

At least Farica cant yell at me about the bike anymore. Now I will get to hear "Are you fricken kidding me? More events!" Hello my name is David and I have a problem.

The Calander now includes two less Marathons and 2 added Tri's. I am doing a sprint, 400 yard swim, 14 mile bike and 5k swim and Olympic with a .9 mile swim, 22 mile bike, and 10k. I think these will be a good introduction to the Tri world and Local events so Farica wont 100% lose her mind. I of course will still be searching for more events to do but am pretty happy with my calander.

I will keep it light this week and race day is Saturday and then Next week I will add swimming, biking, and weights to the workout routine,

2012 Calander

March 17th- DC Rock and Roll Half Marathon
April 8th- Charlottesville 8K Road Race
April 27th/28th- American Odyssey Relay- Gettysburg to DC (Travis Manion)
May 20th - Marine Corps Historic Half Marathon, Fredricksburg, VA
June 17th - South Carroll Fathers Day Sprint Tri, Westminster, Md
Sept 15th-   Savageman 30.0 Tri, Deep Creek Lake, Md
October 28th- Marine Corps Marathon #2
November 4th NYC Marathon? (If I win a lottery pick)
January 13th- Disney World Marathon #3 (TNT)

13 March, 2012

Its Race week!

Let the Fun Begin! It is race week and once again the excitment is building. St Pattys's I will run the 1st Rock and Roll DC Half Marathon and kick of my season. I am running this on my own but there will be a huge Team in Training group and Erin and Rebecca from AFD will be running again. It will be Erins longest run and I hope she gets the running bug. I have set a goal of 2:30 but as always I am happy just to finish.

I am sad to report that San Diego is not looking good. That was to be my 4th Team in training event in a row and I am almost at the point of having to drop it. Although I feel like I failed I know it is very hard to do what I was trying to do. I am not done and Team in Training will be a part of my life for a very long time to come.

Last weekend was our State wide training as as always it was a great event and so many good friends were there. I knocked out 10 miles with the first being the ever emotional silient mile.

The good news is I now get to search for a pelacement run and start planning for my first Tri.

2012 Calander

March 17th- DC Rock and Roll Half Marathon
April 8th- Charlottesville 8K Road Race
April 27th/28th- American Odyssey Relay- Gettysburg to DC (Travis Manion)
May 20th - Marine Corps Historic Half Marathon, Fredricksburg, VA
June 3rd - Rock and Roll San Diego Marathon (TNT)
October 7th- Steamtown Marathon
October 28th- Marine Corps Marathon #2
November 4th NYC Marathon? (If I win a lottery pick)
January 13th- Disney World Marathon #3 (TNT)

09 March, 2012

She has arrived!

Well the wait is Over! The deal has taken place and Farica and I are on speaking terms. I am the proud new owner of a Trex 1.2 road Bike. I am so psyched and thankful to Farica for making this happen. I have an incredible desire to do Tri's and an obbsession with Ironman. I have joined the Mid Maryland Tri Club and can not wait to get started and add swimming and biking to my training. I thank Jeff and Nancy for being a part of this and Nancy I am so thankful to you for everything.

This past Jan Nancy was a part of the group that ran a great 54 minute 5k at Disney (long story) and I cant imagine how long it is going to take us to run 200 miles LOL. I could not be more excited that she has joined the Relay team. Best part is she has told me about the no whining rule and I have free rain when she starts to sound like a Paramedic with no sleep.

This Morning, myself and another Plant Strong FF from Annapolis met with Whole Foods Annapolis and we will be assisting them in monthly cooking classes, lectures and summer kids camps. We are so proud to be a part of this and helping to bring a healthy diet and fitness to our community.

I am 1 week till my first race since Disney and will be joing Rebecca and Erin from AFD as well as many of my TNT family in the DC Rock and Roll half marathon. This will be Erins first race and I know she will do great.

The best news is closest friends Andy and Lisa will be going to Disney Marathon weekend and running. It is put in writing now so there is no turning back. Only 306 days left.

I had a great week running and have logged 15 miles so far with a 10 mile run tomorrow with Team in Training. Tomorrow is one of my favorite days as the whole state comes together to train.

All in all this has been a great week and cant wait to see what the weekend brings.

2012 Calander

March 17th- DC Rock and Roll Half Marathon
April 8th- Charlottesville 8K Road Race
April 27th/28th- American Odyssey Relay- Gettysburg to DC (Travis Manion)
May 20th - Marine Corps Historic Half Marathon, Fredricksburg, VA
June 3rd - Rock and Roll San Diego Marathon (TNT)
October 7th- Steamtown Marathon
October 28th- Marine Corps Marathon #2
November 4th NYC Marathon? (If I win a lottery pick)
January 13th- Disney World Marathon #3 (TNT)

07 March, 2012

From the halls...

As the Marine Corps Hymn runs through my mind, I am happy to say I am officially registered for my 2nd Marine Corps Marathon. This Year I will be running for the Travis Manion Foundation which should make this event beyond compare. The link below is about Travis and the Foundation in his honor.

I learned yesterday that the Engine 2 diet has a new food coach program and I spoke to our Friend Rip and expressed my interest in completing their program and spreading the word about the benefits of a Plant Strong Life Style.

I do think something is very wrong with me and it might not be normal to watch 2 hours of Kona inspired videos on the Ironman Channel.

Well its time to go run and it's a beautiful day.

2012 Calander

March 17th- DC Rock and Roll Half Marathon
April 8th- Charlottesville 8K Road Race
April 27th/28th- American Odyssey Relay- Gettysburg to DC (Travis Manion)
May 20th - Marine Corps Historic Half Marathon, Fredricksburg, VA
June 3rd - Rock and Roll San Diego Marathon (TNT)
October 7th- Steamtown Marathon
October 28th- Marine Corps Marathon #2
November 4th NYC Marathon? (If I win a lottery pick)
January 13th- Disney World Marathon #3 (TNT)

06 March, 2012

Its a new week!

I have come to the conclusion that I am a much better runner than blogger. I do enjoy both and am going to try to keep up the blog. I'm not really sure if anyone reads it but hey Farica and Andy do so I keep on typing.

I am over 100 miles for the year and after not running for 3 weeks after Disney I am very happy with the Milage. I feel like a real runner finally. I have improved my pace and now am at an 11 minute mile. I started at 13:00 in Aug 2010 and have not had speed work in my training. This year I have added (or am following) my weekly Tempo runs and next month will add track workouts. My goal is to reach a 10 minute mile and hope to have that down by Disney 2013.

The Plant strong eating is going well but last week was a difficult week and was not a healthy week. I noticed an immediate difference and how I felt, how I slept, and my attitude. just a few bad choices while at work and at the EMS conference has really reinforced my committment to being Plant Strong.

I look at my Race calander and Amazed I can actually do all this. I am so excited to my first race in Next week in DC. San Diego is coming up but my fundraising has hit a wall and might not be able to make that trip. It hurts not to be able to accomplish a goal but after raising $10,000 dollars last year and so much support it is understandable. Very few people can do 4 events back to back.

On a good note, Farica and I have come to an agreement and I will be a proud new owner of a Trex Road Bike and now the door to the Tri World is Open. Now it is all up to me  and it's time to get in the water.

2012 Calander

March 17th- DC Rock and Roll Half Marathon
April 8th- Charlottesville 8K Road Race
April 27th/28th- American Odyssey Relay- Gettysburg to DC (Travis Manion)
May 20th - Marine Corps Historic Half Marathon, Fredricksburg, VA
June 3rd - Rock and Roll San Diego Marathon (TNT)
October 7th- Steamtown Marathon
October 28th- Marine Corps Marathon
November 4th NYC Marathon? (If I win a lottery pick)
January 13th- Disney World Marathon #3 (TNT)