29 April, 2012

American Odyssey Relay

Amazing! The single best word to describe this race. I always find it hard to use the word "race." To me "race" means that it is a compitition factor and hope of winning but this was al about fun. My team was a coed mix of Team in Training alumni and Firefighters from Annapolis.

We met thurs afternoon and had a great dinner together and got a chance and sit down and meet everyone on the team for the first time. It was a great begining to what was an event to bring us even closer together. I was luckey to get a chance to be able to see Braeden and Farica for a little bit before I left. I had worked a 24 on wed and might have not been able to see them. I passed Farica on the way to the pick up point and she met us there to wish us good luck.

Dinner ran late and I needed to be at a Capt's meeting to get all the last minute details. After the meeting we all met to go over those details, got our bibs and shirts finalized our plans and to no surprised went to the bar to finish out the night.

We met the next morning, decorated the van, split up the supplies and took our team pictures. 9:00am was our start time with Rebecca leading the way. My Van headed out to Gettysburg for breakfast and walk around alittle and went to our first transition point. We arrived there about 3 hours early and met several of the teams that we would be with for the next day and a half. We met tons of great people making the race event better. The begining of the course was beautiful and very very hilly. BIG HILLS.

It came to my first leg which was a nice 6 mile run. Not Really. The road was a gravel back road that was 3 miles up, 3 miles down. though the second half was very fast for me it is a killer and the legs. Finishing that run took a toll on bot the quads and hams which are still burning tonight. All of us had a great time laughing and acting like best friends on a road trip.

We got to our Main rest area at Boonsboro highschool and cleaned the van got some food and freshened up. We only had a couple hours. It was quite a set up though. The gym was set up as a sleeping area. They had huge grills set up  with burgers, hot dogs, and chicken. 3 kinds of home made soups, pizza and french fries.you could also get a message, and tons of freash made pastries and cookies.

My second leg was truly out of this world. I had a 4.7 mile run at 2:00am through the Antietam National Battle field and Cemetary. It was pitch black, very cold, and sleeting. We ran with head lamps and glow sticks so we would stick out to the Van which would track each runner every mile or so through the night. To run along this hallowed grounds was unbelievable and an experience that I will never forget.

We finished up our second legs and finally got a couple hours sleep at the 2nd major transition are. We headed to Mcdonalds for coffee and by this time we were very tired, very sore, and to be honest getting a little short with each other.We will still having fun and regained a great attitude after the coffee kicked in.

My 3rd leg was another trail run covering 8.6 miles on the C&O canal. It was beautiful! My legs were toast so I found a nice easy pace and settled in. I enjoyed the view surrounded by water on bothe sides and all of the natural wonders this trail offers. I was good. There was no water stops so I had brought plenty of water and was well hydrated. What I forgot was some food or gels at at mile 6.5 the wheels feel off. I needed calories and was shit out of luck. I became dizzy and generly felt like shit. It was not BAD but it was bad. I had no option to stop and had to get to my transition area. It would be much quicker to cover the 1.5 miles then to wait for someone to fid me and go back to get help. I knew I was well hydrated so I pushed on. I also thought of Travis. I ran this race to honor the Memory of Travis Manion, who was a greaduate the USNA and killed in action. He would never give up and niether could I.  With about a half mile left Bonnie who did not know what was going on was there on the trail to meet me and run in with me. She was a great help and I am so appreciative of her support. I got back to the van and was able to refuel with Nuun, peanut butter, granola, and pretzles and right away I was back to normal.

we got our last runner off and met the rest of the team at the finish area. we learned that one of our teammates was sick and she and her husband went home. We were saddened that all 12 couldnt cross the line together but so proud that the 12 of us finished this run and we did it together. Crossing the line was symbolic but did not change what we accomplished. We will run another relay together so we will have our time.

Christine was the last runner and the 10 of us crossed the line. 32 hours to cover 200 miles

This was such and incredible journey. I am so proud of my team and thankful they agreed to do this. We have our next race picked out and already the excitment is growing.

2012 Calander

March 17th- DC Rock and Roll Half Marathon (2:45)
April 8th- Charlottesville 8K Road Race (55:36)
April 27th/28th- American Odyssey Relay- Gettysburg to DC (32:04)
May 20th - Marine Corps Historic Half Marathon, Fredricksburg, VA
June 16th- Baltimore 10 Miler
June 17th - South Carroll Fathers Day Sprint Tri, Westminster, Md
Sept 9th - Nations Tri Washington DC (TNT)
October 28th- Marine Corps Marathon #2
November 18th - Philadelphia Marathon
January 13th- Disney World Marathon #3

18 April, 2012


I am proud to say that Gretchen and Dennis both finished Boston on Monday and what were very bad running conditions. I am so proud to have both as friends and running mentors. To see people acomplish their dreams is amazing!

This time of year is tough for me. As a fall/winter marathoner I find it hard to to motivate myself sometimes as my first big race is not until Sept. I am super excited to be back with Team in Training and to see if I can beat the Potomic and make my 1 mile swim. If I can learn to run 26.2 I can learn to swim 1. Kick off is just days away and I know the juices will start flowing.

I am thinking of signing up for another race this year. I am considering the Baltimore 10 miler and think that will be a fun one. I am scheduled to run the Marine Corps Half in May but have a chance to host a Professional Triathlete that weekend and I think I might do that. Although Andy is might drive up from NC to run the half with me so next week I will decide. If  Andy comes up, I will run

The Official countdown has begun. 9 days till the relay, myself and the Team are super excited! This is going to be one hell of a ride and already I am planning the next adventure. Where will we go and who is coming with.

2012 Calander

March 17th- DC Rock and Roll Half Marathon (2:45)
April 8th- Charlottesville 8K Road Race (55:36)
April 27th/28th- American Odyssey Relay- Gettysburg to DC
May 20th - Marine Corps Historic Half Marathon, Fredricksburg, VA
June 16th- Baltimore 10 Miler
June 17th - South Carroll Fathers Day Sprint Tri, Westminster, Md
Sept 9th - Nations Tri Washington DC (TNT)
Sept 15th- Savageman 30.0 Tri, Deep Creek Lake, Md
October 28th- Marine Corps Marathon #2
November 4th NYC Marathon? (If I win a lottery pick)
January 13th- Disney World Marathon #3

16 April, 2012

Marathon Monday

Marathon Monday has a new meaning to me. I have always known about the Boston Marathon, I have always known that it has qualifing times, and have known that to some it was really special. I never truly knew what that meant and what Boston means to those who have run it. Today is the  Boston Marathon and I know 3 people who will be battling the 26.2 miles in close to 90 degree heat. I know what their journey was, I know of their hardships, their training and the sacriface made to be able to put on the bibb. Boston has a whole new meaning to me today. Anyone can run a marathon but only a select few can run Boston. Gretchen, Dennis, and Melody. I wish you the best! Not only are you special runners, you are special people.

I got a boast of motivation yesterday reading. To me there are endless positive points in training and running a Marathon. I read a blog yesterday in which a person felt that training for a marathon is a waste of time, an unbalance of family and to great of a committment away from family. A needless way to health and fitness. The writter continued to make fun of those who train and compete in Marathons and Ironman and being obsessed with the completion of the event and about the medal. The writter continued describing their defeatist attitude, nothing like talking yourself out of something before you try it.

I couldnt disagree more! Yes I lose alot of time away from Braeden and Farica. The life lessons Braeden is learning is priceless. Does he have any clue? No, but in time he will. Through my running and training Brae is learning lessons that will last a lifetime and build a foundation to what I hope will be a long and successful life. My Marathons will teach Brea that anything is possible, that he can accomplish anything his mind dreams of. He will learn that sometimes his goals will take tremendous time, tremendous sacriface, and there might be bumps in the road. He will learn what ever the finish line is he will be able to cross it. Braeden I hope, will not be a satistic of todays obese youth and develope healthy habits. I was and have been obese my entire life. I still am based on numbers. farica and I have lost a combined 90 pounds. we have achived that by eating healthier and he sees that. When he asks me what I am eating, I say vegetables. I started my Plant Based diet because of Braeden and to ensure that I will stack the cards in my favor for a long and healthy life and those things that I can control I will do it the right way.

Braeden is also learning that sometimes we have make personal sacrifaces to benefit others. I run and raise money for cancer research. Braeden already knows about sick children and we must do what we can to help them and their families. That might take time from him and I but it is just as important. When my almost 3 year says to me "I want the sick kids to get better, and invite them to my birthday Party" is heart warming and I know that these lessons are working.

2012 Calander

March 17th- DC Rock and Roll Half Marathon (2:45)
April 8th- Charlottesville 8K Road Race (55:36)
April 27th/28th- American Odyssey Relay- Gettysburg to DC
May 20th - Marine Corps Historic Half Marathon, Fredricksburg, VA
June 17th - South Carroll Fathers Day Sprint Tri, Westminster, Md
Sept 9th - Nations Tri Washington DC (TNT)
Sept 15th- Savageman 30.0 Tri, Deep Creek Lake, Md
October 28th- Marine Corps Marathon #2
November 4th NYC Marathon? (If I win a lottery pick)
January 13th- Disney World Marathon #3

12 April, 2012

as the endurance world turns.

Once again the ebb and flow of my race calander has changed.

I had a great weekend in Charlottsvile and spent some wonderful time with family and friends. It was picture perfect. The race went very well. It was a beautiful coarse that went through Downtown and the University of Virginia campus. It is what I call a hilly course and did not have alot of spectators. I had some breathing issues but at mile 2 I had a good deep cough and cleared the plug. the next 3 miles went well with no issues other than there were no mile markers from 2 on. I do remember thinking "holy shit this is a long mile" It was a long mile in fact it was 3. I have started taking allergy meds and I feel 100% better. I have always had allergies but usually they dont start till later in the season. So I quess I am now just part of the masses.

As you know, Team in training is a huge part of who I am. I had to drop running San Diego and I can not accept this. To not be a part of this family and having failed at the fundraising does not sit well with me. My obsession with Tri's is growing but my knowledge is very basic as it was when I first started running. I give TNT 100% for making me the runner I am and and know they can do the same in the Tri world.

So the decsion is clear. I will train with Team in Training and complete my first Tri with them. I have signed up to do the Nations Tri in Washington DC and will fundraise for this event. With that I will not be fundraising for Disney but of course I will be running the Marathon and be as much of a part of the team as I can.

Speaking of Disney I could not be happier that Andy and Lisa have sipped the Kool Aid and will be running as well. To say that this years Disney Marathon will be Epic is an understatement.

So there is this weeks edition of my soap opera. 2 weeks till the Relay and am super psyched.

2012 Calander

March 17th- DC Rock and Roll Half Marathon (2:45)
April 8th- Charlottesville 8K Road Race (55:36)
April 27th/28th- American Odyssey Relay- Gettysburg to DC
May 20th - Marine Corps Historic Half Marathon, Fredricksburg, VA
June 17th - South Carroll Fathers Day Sprint Tri, Westminster, Md
Sept 9th - Nations Tri Washington DC (TNT)
Sept 15th- Savageman 30.0 Tri, Deep Creek Lake, Md
October 28th- Marine Corps Marathon #2
November 4th NYC Marathon? (If I win a lottery pick)
January 13th- Disney World Marathon #3

02 April, 2012

Ahhhh much better

Of course at 1:30 am the tones go off and off on another medical adventure I went. Returning about 3:00am and falling back asleep around 4:00 and up at 6 did not make for a very motivating day. I came home tried to take a nap but had to much coffee. I walked Epi for her usual 2 miles, it was a beautiful morning so that sparked some motivation and energy into my day. I realized I had my race scheduled on the wrong day, it is saturday not sunday so I switched my training schedule around just a little bit.

I got back in the pool today and had a much better swim, I was more relaxed, less tired and not as dizzy. My first pool session I was so nervous, looking back on it I realized I created a nice state of Hypercarbia in my system. What I realized I was doing was not exhaling in the water and just taking small breaths. So I had a little bit of the good gas but was not blowing off any of the bad gas. Not good! So today I slowed down, concentrated on good air goes in, bad air goes out! What an amazing difference that makes. I had a very positive swim with a much higher confidence level. I will finish out the week with small numbers in the pool and next week will double my yardage. Good news is I am 6 weeks away from my first sprint tri and after next week will have the swim distance down.

After the swim I got on the bike trainer and had a nice 30 minute 12 mile ride. I am still working with my clips and practicing shifting gears to get a comfort zone on the new bike. I will bring it doors next week and spend some time in a large parking lot and put my practice to use. So all in all a great day.

Tomorrow - Work
Monday - 8 x 25 (200m), Biked 12 miles
Tues - 1 x 50, 6 x 25 (200m), Run 4 miles
Wed - 1 x 50, 8 x 25 (250m), Run 4 miles
Thur - Work, Bike 30 Minutes
Fri - 1 x 50, 8 x 25 (250m), Run 2 miles
Sat - 8k

 weekly total- Swim 900m, bike 1 hour, run 16 miles

The Journey continues

2012 Calander

March 17th- DC Rock and Roll Half Marathon (2:45)
April 8th- Charlottesville 8K Road Race
April 27th/28th- American Odyssey Relay- Gettysburg to DC (Travis Manion)
May 20th - Marine Corps Historic Half Marathon, Fredricksburg, VA
June 17th - South Carroll Fathers Day Sprint Tri, Westminster, Md
Sept 15th- Savageman 30.0 Tri, Deep Creek Lake, Md
October 28th- Marine Corps Marathon #2
November 4th NYC Marathon? (If I win a lottery pick)
January 13th- Disney World Marathon #3 (TNT